Tuesday, January 16, 2007

random thoughts

Joan is happy!
studying happily!
Life has been great! =)

keeping to my promise.
yes, i will.

Thursday, January 04, 2007


Notice that the song title is of liang shan bo and Juliet instead of liang shan bo and zhu ying tai or Romeo and Juliet.

Upon hearing the song title, i thought that the song is of two people who are of different religion, race or cultural background. i mean its not a big deal right? i strongly believe that a couple can be together regardless of race, language or religion.

However, after viewing the MV. I feel that it seems as though time is pulling the couple apart.
Probably its due to the age gap, or maybe its due to the fear of rejection causing the delay.
Time and tide waits for no man.

i find this part of the lyrics very meaningful...

可是我害羞我没有勇气, 对你说一句我爱你。




This is a song added to my favourites song recently!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

school reopen

first day of school.
not feeling very good about going to school.
went to school half heartedly.
partial guiltiness.
homework partially done.

lectures, no gain in new knowledge (maybe chemistry)
other than a rough overview of the subjects.

however, sorta looking forward to school.
better than staying at home and slack.
a bit of slacking is good.
but a lot of slacking is no good.

joan is gonna be a guai little innocent and hardworking girl.
no more slacking.
no more sms-ing in class.
no more visits to my second home.
no more ponning of lectures.
no more ponning of tutorials.

but can be done.
with a little of self discipline.
should be done.
MUST be done.

ending with..